The Milk & Dairy project was presented at the CBME (Global Pregnancy and Childhood Expo), the world’s leading maternity show in Shanghai (28-30 June 2023)
We showcased to professionals, importers, and distributors the liquid formula infant milk in the different ranges (0-6 months , 6- 12 months, 2-3 months, 1 – 3 years). which contains all the necessary nutritional properties without wasting time in a long preparation!!
Recipes are designed for the Chinese market with attention to specific ingredients, one above all the DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and they are made using only high-quality European milk from our Italian farmers.
During the event, some experts presented the European commitment to babies’ nutrition, the high quality and safety standards of the products and details about how to use the liquid formula instead od powder and related advatages for families and care givers.